VIDEO Pavel Datsyuk goal in NHL 94 video game form

More NHL: | | | | | THIS. IS. INCREDIBLE!The fine folks over at have done the coolest thing in the history of ever and turned a goal into an NHL 94 video game. It's complete with the swooshing sounds on the ice, the smack of pads making a save, the referee being transposed on the score indicating a goal, and even the Bra s Bonanza. Oh, and they even went so far to pixelate the video to make it seem more 8-bit like. Simply put, it's Danilo Gallinari Jersey perfection.Well, it's almost perfect. It's mi sing a few details like the star under Datsyuk's name, and there's the fact that the Predators didn't actually exist yet. And as some have pointed out, the sounds come from the PC version -- you guys have some great memories Aleksej Pokusevski Jersey and ears -- but that's just getting picky. If you don't know of NHL 94 then you probably need to turn in your hockey fan card. It's almost as nece sary as knowing to hockey fandom. NHL 94 is right up there with Blades of Steel in my book as the best hockey game ever, and I think most will take NHL 94 in that battle all day long.NHL 94 was forever immortalized in . I'd link to the video but it has more curse words in four minutes than Pierre McGuire hears in a whole game. You can find it on YouTube if you're so inclined. The takeaway? Jeremy Roenick is a beast.Your day is now complete. What a treat, NHL.
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